Westward II: Heroes of the Frontier...After the settlement of Hope River is destroyed, fleeing residents deliver news of a devastating attack by the Mad Russian. Guide three pioneers as they gather resources, overcome natural disasters and plot a course t
Westward II: Heroes of the Frontier...After the settlement of Hope River is destroyed, fleeing residents deliver news of a devastating attack by the Mad Russian. Guide three pioneers as they gather resources, overcome natural disasters and plot a course to uncover the location of the elusive Copperhead Gang. Customize your towns with more than 30 luxury items and upgrades while staking your claim in Westward II: Heroes of the Frontier! Features: - New outpost in the Wild West! - Distinct buildings. - New Sandbox mode. - Mosey on to the sequel in Westward III: Gold Rus bộ phim đầy đủ in vietnam
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